Terminarz Medyczny NURSEUM

by Lemisoft. Software Development



Schedule Medical NURSEUM is an application that facilitates the daily work of Polish nurses, midwives and physiotherapists, which was created in response to the enormous amount of information, bureaucratic responsibilities and tasks with which every day struggle in Poland health professionals. Its biggest advantage is the automation of some of the most onerous tasks (eg. Reporting time and the procedure to be performed) and to enable their registration on mobile devices. In this way it helps to better organization of work, so users will save more time for yourself, your family and loved ones. Why use the Schedule Medical NURSEUM?· Constant and uninterrupted access to the database own patients - using a computer, tablet or smartphone,· Freely planning and organizing visits for patients - eg. Automatic sending of reminders about the visit,· Planning procedures which will prompt a system,· Easy recording and storing procedures performed,· Unlimited access to reliable and unique expertise - in the form of articles of specialists from the medical and pharmaceutical contained in the Knowledge Base Scheduler.· Support in educating patients during visits - eg. If the patient needs a manual meter, you can quickly locate the Knowledge Base Scheduler immediately made available to the patient,· Fast forwarding recommendations to patients in nursing after visits - just write down them in Timetable Medical, and with one click send to the patient or his caregiver after completing the visit,· Easy generation of reports, statistics and billing time - including monthly reports of reporting to settlements with the National Health Fund. Want to learn more about a Scheduler Medical NURSEUM?Check out our website and blog: http://nurseum.plLike us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerminarzMedycznyNurseum